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  • N. A. Kovic - Best Product For Ingrown Hair!

    I've been using this for a few months to prevent ingrowns after getting Brazilian bikini waxes. My waxer actually always recommends a different product (PFB Vanish), but I needed something that I could purchase at a nearby store, because I couldn't wait to have the product shipped to me. That was when I decided to try this, after finding it at a nearby beauty supply store. I think it works better than the PFB product personally, plus its a little less expensive. If you use it regularly, it'll make a huge difference in the condition of your skin and will do a great job at preventing and alleviating ingrown hair. I alternate between using this and using a scrub mitt in the shower. Just be aware that overusing it will dry and irritate your skin and cause redness and peeling, so depending on how sensitive your skin is, you may need to use it less frequently. You be the judge!

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  • Lynette R. Fleming - Diet not so good? Over-The-Counter Natural Cures to the rescue!

    Heath Ledger, Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe, the wife of an Illinois pharmacist, my neighbor ... can you guess what they all have in common? A tragedy due to prescription medications ... some because of their misuse and others because of ignorance and insufficient testing by the FDA, like my brilliant neighbor who was born with no fingers and legs which did not grow due to a medication administered to his pregnant mother for morning sickness. Today's health solutions may be tomorrow's tragedies, and the only ones who can stop these tragedies from occurring are each of us. You might say, "we aren't doctors ... what can we do?"

  • JON B FRANCIS - Well made and fast Charge

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    I have purchased multiple hunting games and out of all of them this is the best one yet. It's a great game with amazing graphics. I've been told this game doesn't install on the Kindle but it does. I love it! There are all sorts of different types of animals to hunt. Including deer, wolves, bears, cheetahs, elephants, zebras, and much more. Plus it's free, again, best hunting game ever!

  • Samaa - Good results

    I have revived this eye gel a couple days ago, and oh God it is very good!!! I really was not expecting it to work and give me this result.