Avish Medicare Solutions LLP - Medicines | Surgical Disposable | Surgical Instruments | Surgical Equipments | Surgical Implants | Hospital Furniture - Medical Supplies - Avish Medicare Solutions LLP is suppliers of Medical Equipment, Hospital Supplies, Hospital Medical Supplies, Surgical Instruments, Hospital Beds, Hospital Furniture, Disposable Medical Products, Sterilizing Equipments and other Hospital Medical Equipment. Based in New Delhi, India

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  • Alex - 2 days of use and already can see an improvement

    This stuff is so good it's scary. I've used it 3-4 times in the past couple of days since I got it, and already the dead, thick ugly skin under my nails (that I used to emery-board down when I could) is a little softer and comes out easier with a tool (Tweezerman Pushy & ingrown nail file). Nails are a little whiter, too. (They weren't/aren't as yellow as the ones pictured in the "before" photos on the product's box.) I swear they're even a little less ridged on top.

  • tburgh - Interesting info.

    The book has some very interesting info and thoughts. There are suggestions and treatments that could be made much clearer and may not be for everyone. I personally don't agree with everything the author has to say regarding ethnomedicine, but that may be my lack of knowledge. His interpretations regarding other races are a bit baffling as well. Understand however that I question everything---from the "highest qualified authority" of the USDA, FDA, etc, to someone's anecdotal suggestions.I'm reviewing some of the sources and bibliographic material listed in the book. Every now and then typos or sentence syntax problems get in the way. I point this out because minor problems like this could involve the author sharing pertinent information. If you can handle gaining some useful info (again, I strongly suggest to check it out for yourself), and can, as the saying goes, "get the meat and leave the bones," this could serve as a reference source for one's herbal, medicinal library.

  • "Eyes of Blue" - Great "App" for Netflix

    First I would like to say that if you have Netflix streaming through a Roku or similiar device on your home television this is an awesome "app" for your "FIRE"!! I was shocked at how many people complained because they thought for 99 cents this "app" included a Netflix monthly account!!! I think many of the first reviews were people who did not understand the FIRE and looked for things to complain about. This app works seemlessly on the FIRE. You can start Netflix on your television or FIRE -- stop and pick up exactly where you left off!! This is an awesome "app" for what it is supposed to do! Thanks Amazon for providing this "app"!!!