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  • Donna - Great for the hair!!!

    I see a little difference from one bottle....will order again! Love the taste and the extra energy it gives me!!! Thanks!!!

  • kristen - could not leave in my mouth for longer than 5 ...

    could not leave in my mouth for longer than 5 minutes. will never purchase this product again. taste awful and too much foam. do not rec. wasn't able to see results because I couldn't use it.

  • Leon Harrison - high quality and really fast charger

    The Product looks great and the quality also, fast charge!! for the price it is an option to consider when buying an external battery.

  • D Johnson - CAVEAT EMPTOR...NEVER purchase additional services from AVAST

    BEWARE!!! I've had a lot of viral issues lately so downloaded the free version of AVAST. It seemed OK, so today I paid and downloaded the upgraded version. I was having sign on issues so I contacted Avast support number. 866 951-7679 and got hold of someone in Tech Support named Carlos. BEWARE!!!!! These scam artists will take over your computer show you a bunch of stuff in your system claiming you have a computer hijacking software on your system. For a mere $179 fee they'll fix your computer of these nasty hijackers for an entire year or one episode for $119.00.

  • Liz Gnant - The process is kind of annoying to do to yourself (wrapping yourself in saran wrap) ...

    I used this thing before the current craze and I have to say - it did actually work. I wore it overnight and the next day I was 4 or so inches smaller! The process is kind of annoying to do to yourself (wrapping yourself in saran wrap) and it does move around. It took some time to clean off in the morning but 4 inches down overnight - not too shabby. Now that these have become so popular I'd buy from a seller but I don't know if I'd try it again. Maybe. They're so expensive!

  • MotherhoodStartsWithFAITH - Miracle for my baby girl...

    My baby is hooked on this. She would not have a regular stool without taking this every day. I first started her when she was around 2 months because she would cry when she would have a BM & this helps her having a regular BM.

  • ForexTech - 3G ATT does not work

    The SUPER Amoled screen is a battery hog. The battery life remaining seemed to be going down by 1% each minute. The battery life is poor. The specs says 3G is 850/1900 mhz. I tried for a long while but could not get data connection on ATT. Thats because ATT needs 850/1900/2100. Depending on where you are you may not get 3G. But I said it should at least get Edge/2G data, it did not, which was a big minus. The phone also comes with what i consider too much BLU baggage, there is something that loads time, date and other things on the top of the screen and one cannot get rid of it! At least I could not. Also for an Amoled screen the display wasn't sharp to me.