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    Country:, Europe, FR

    City: 2.3292 Paris, France

  • Rachelle - Awesome product!

    First off, let me start by saying I've been wearing makeup since I was about 16 years old and I am a die-hard, hardcore makeup junkie. I love makeup, it is my weakness. So, lately I've been purchasing a bit more higher end brands because I've been watching beauty gurus on Love them! Anyway, I ordered some stuff from Sephora and got this Miracle Skin Transformer sample in the shade medium. I was unsure about this considering I typically wear a "heavier" foundation daily. I don't have much to cover but I never go out "bare-faced" I do however have dry skin once in a while as well as oily skin (such as forehead, nose) later on during the day. Well, one morning I was like, I'll give it a try and test this 'primer, sunscreen, foundation, moistuizer out'. I always use a primer to start so I applied that first, then this MST. I thought at first it was too sheer and wouldn't make a difference. I still continued to apply it and I love it!! I have been noticing lately that I am applying too much foundation/setting powder, so mid-way through the day I looked cakey and pastey. GROSS! With Miracle Skin Transformer I don't get cakey or look all cracked around mouth and pastey at all! It looks so natural and is soo light. The texture of it is also amazing. It feels like a primer, that smooth silicone feeling. I love that on my face! It is also buildable so you can apply, let dry for a few and apply more in areas needed without looking like you have 90lbs of makeup on your face. I will be receiving my MST today as I see it is out for delivery this morning. So as far as shipping I am very pleased. I ordered this 2 days ago and I am receiving it today! I hate buying something that I'm so excited for and then have to wait 7 days for it to arrive, so VERY happy it came this quickly! Everyone's skin/face can and will react differently, but I am a very happy and satisfied customer.

  • noel17 - pleasantly surprised.

    this product helps to straighten my hair, which is not curly. I have just enough wave and a lot of body to be annoying. Plus the product smells nice.

  • #1 hansy boy - Well, it's not an Xbox

    I was an Xbox 360 owner without any real fervent advocacy for one system or the other. Honestly, I find it hard to care about the debate about which system is better blah blah blah graphics and who cares about what games are "better". The really good titles will be available on both, and they both offer similar services.

  • Steven Orcutt - Perfect fit

    Awsome sub enclosure dropped in two alpine subs for great sound quality with the rear seat down. If you own a late model ram quadcab this is the sub enclosure you need fits perfectly in the underseat area out of site and out of view while allowing deep full rich bass tones.