NAMI Southwestern Illinois - NAMI Southwestern Illinois provides support for individuals with mental illness and their friends and family.

  • NAMI Southwestern Illinois Newsletter - NAMI Southwestern Illinois provides a bi-monthly e-newsletter that features updates and mental health articles and stories for family members, individuals who have been impacted with mental illness, providers and the general public.
  • NAMI Southwestern Illinois Donation - Support NAMI with a tax deductible contribution to help people in our community who face mental health challenges every day.
  • NAMI SWI - Counties We Serve - NAMI SWI serves the following 12 Illinois counties: Bond, Calhoun, Clinton, Green, Jersey, Macoupin, Madison, Monroe, Montgomery, Randolph, St. Clair, Washington
  • NAMI Southwestern Illinois Volunteer Opportunities - Your skills can help NAMI Southwestern Illinois grow and provide support for individuals with mental illness and their friends and family. Many volunteer opportunities available in the Southwestern IL area, including counties Bond, Calhoun, Clinton, Green, Jersey, Macoupin, Madison, Monroe, Montgomery, Randolph, St. Clair, Washington.
  • NAMI Southwestern Illinois Classes - NAMI Southwestern Illinois provides education and training opportunities for family members, individuals who have been impacted with mental illness, providers and the general public.
  • Support Meetings for Individuals living with a Mental Illness, Family and Friends - NAMI Southwestern Illinois Support Meetings for individuals with serious mental illnesses and their family members and friends. Includes major depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, OCD, anxiety disorders and post traumatic stress disorder.
  • NAMI SWI - Mental Health Walk for Awareness - Race for Recovery - NAMI Southwestern Illinois Mental Health Walk for Awareness - Race for Recovery
  • NAMI SWI FaithNet - NAMI Southwestern Illinois community outreach to churches and clergy to provide education about mental illness and NAMI programs.
  • NAMI Southwestern Illinois Programs and Presentations - NAMI Southwestern Illinois Programs and Presentations, Ending the Silence and Parents and Teachers as Allies, provide education and training opportunities for providers and the general public
  • NAMI SWI Llama Mascot - The NAMI Llama became the mascot for NAMI Southwestern IL based on the concept that NAMI members compassionately help to carry the many burdens of mental illness, just as llamas traditionally carry burdens and are very compassionate animals.

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -81.5401 Florida, United States

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