Naturopathie - Yin/Yang - Macrobiotique- Rencontre de l' Occident et de l'Orient - Bienvenu sur les pages de Sébastien LIEVRE inscrit au Registre International des Naturopathe n°43204

  • Psychologie étude et partage : Naturopathie - Yin/Yang - Macrobiotique- Rencontre de l' Occident et de l'Orient - Ca y est je suis prêt à partager mon expérience de l étude de la "marionnette" que je peux etre dans ce beau Theatre qu est la vie...
  • La Naturopathie à Vannes Morbihan - la macrobiotique : Naturopathie - Yin/Yang - Macrobiotique- Rencontre de l' Occident et de l'Orient -  Coup de gueule ! Il est amusant de noter comme l'agro alimentaire est en train de prendre le pouvoir du bio. Il en va de même pour la...
  • Le cochon qui se mord la queue- canard enchaîné du 19/08 : Naturopathie - Yin/Yang - Macrobiotique- Rencontre de l' Occident et de l'Orient - Article intéressant qui nous parle de la methanisation des déjections de nos très chers cochons bretons notamment ...  En bref : ce que l on...
  • Consultation et Relation d aide - krishnamurti : Naturopathie - Yin/Yang - Macrobiotique- Rencontre de l' Occident et de l'Orient - Jusqu´aujourd'hui j ai toujours échangé avec les personnes que j ai pu rencontrer dans mon cabinet de la nature de leur corps, son mode de...

    Country:, Europe, FR

    City: 2.3387 , France

  • Jackie - Hair growth, repairs dry brittle hair and split ends, doesn't leave hair frizzy and grows hair!!!

    This product is amazing, I use it everyday and after a 2 weeks I notices my hair was a lot more moisturized and also had less split ends then I had when I first used the product. My hair grew a lot more and was way more manageable then before, I have very curly hair, if i did my hair in the morning I would have tangles and knots by the afternoon, I recommend this product to everyone that want's to keep there curls in check and the great thing is it cuts down time when I air dry, make sure you apply this product everywhere and make little curls with your finger.

  • Sara coulson - Stinks at first!

    Stunk like chemicals! Was able to wash out the smell, didn't shrink, cheaply made but was cheap to buy so you get what you pay for!

  • Darrell Brown - "The Secret Therapy"

    Recently, September 2012, I was shopping at a Kansas City, MO health food store. And I mentioned that this was my and my wifes fourth week doing oil pull. The sales lady and manager said: "We are all doing the pull in the store." But in my years in the store, no one had ever mentioned it. In fact, it is such an old procedure that I was shocked that we had never heard of it before. This represents a major life style change for most people, and because of the simpicity of it - discipline to stay on it.

  • jellybean - Wonderful stuff for my face- I have used many brands ...

    Wonderful stuff for my face- I have used many brands and this is the best. My skin is soft and some of the age spots are fading.