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Warning!!!! I have purchased two of these units (Pro Digital)and this company is all about the money. My first unit burned an overheat fuse out while I was toasting some bread. On about 4 minutes. I purchased a used second unit which was brand new because the people who bought it did not know how to use it. The plastic covers will break easy so be careful how you handle them. The company will sale you a better one for about $50 plus $15 shipping and handling. Ask yourself why they don't install on the original unit. You ask why did I buy a second unit. My first unit lasted about 1 1/2 years before the cover cracked (one year warranty). The second unit cracked after about 6 months. I like the way it cooks but the company sucks for customer service and the product is not made very well.. Don't spend the $130 on this unit.....
I got this as a gift for my boyfriend, he loved it. He was really excited about the gun, but the tv wouldn't calibrate it correctly so he couldn't use it. He played it for probably 3 days straight and ended up beating the game. It usually takes him a week or two to beat most games he buys. He had a lot of fun playing it but said it would be better if perhaps it had an expansion pack or something to make it more dificult.
This is the third version of Roxio I have purchased (now at NXT) with the hope that it might some day actually work. I have a computer built just for this type of photo album and slide show presentations but the product continues to not work. It freezes up constantly and is difficult to use.
I am just now purchasing our second box of threelac. My son developed eczema shortly before his 2nd birthday and we struggled with it up until his 4th birthday. That was when I tried giving him threelac. I gave him only half a packet once a day. Within two weeks, the eczema rash was cleared and he hasn't gotten it back since!!!! I had tried every cream, lotion, and remedy that was safe for him and nothing worked. The doctor had prescribed a huge tube of steroid and I used it once, but the eczema kept coming back. (The steroid, by the way, can make it worse, damage the immune system, the skin, and is only a temporary bandaid for the real problem!) That is when I researched this further and found that candida can sometimes cause eczema. I am now 100% certain that this is the cause of his rash, and here is why: I had to go on antibiotics while pregnant with him, then after he was born I kept getting yeast infections myself, also while nursing him I kept getting mastitis so I was on numerous rounds of antibiotics. So thus it was shortly after all this that he developed this condition. I myself was able to get rid of it by eating yogurt and taking probiotic supplements. But to those who have candida, I know how you feel--tired, ill, but doctors can't find anything wrong with you. At the time, I thought that I was just tired from having my baby!