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Country:, Europe, CZ

City: 14.4112 , Czechia

  • Eddie Sells - Waste of money

    Have watched, with my own eyes, garter snakes simply slither over a fresh barrier of this without little more than a pause. It certainly is not a sure thing. Smells a bit like mothballs so it might keep them away.

  • Nubian - WORKS for HSV-II as well(genital)....and just as fast

    Abreva also works as well/fast on genital herpes as well. Although not advertised as such(Can't figure out why it isn't), but I don't get cold sores on my lips. Never have. ONLY 'down below' & I'm female. It ALWAYS Starts with tingling usually 3-5 days after my monthly cycle. I can mark it on the calendar...every month. I just start applying a VERY SMALL amount, ONLY enough to cover the tingling area. Usually on the area around my viginal opening is where the sores start. By the 2-3day, there are hardly any sores & what tries to form are already starting to heal.

  • Joseph A. Kengor - DISAPOINTING

    This is a bare bones re-cap of the wonderful season the Penguins played. As other reviewers stated, just short clips of goals scored in the playoffs. The behind the scenes clips of players in the locker room are welcome, but the real reason the Penguins won the Cup was their relentless defensive play, which there is hardly any evidence of on this brief product. Hopefully, there will be another dvd released showing longer, or maybe even whole games; hey, why not a dvd showing complete games of each series final? Come on people, use your heads, give us fans what we want - we want to have a recording of how relentless this team played! Showing a couple seconds of goals scored is not what this team was about - that's for the people who don't care. This was a team for the ages!

  • Fred - Help me sleep with less nighttime flipping over due to stuffy nose

    These are amazing tools for side sleepers. The longer you sleep on one side, the more stuffed your nose gets on that side, especially if you have a deviated septum. These help open your nasal passages without any medicine (I avoid Afrin except short term for colds). They have a sensitive skin variant, but those come unstuck in the middle of the night for me. I like the "Extra" type even better than the regular for even more open nasal passages (they are like two regular ones stuck together in width).

  • Amazon Shopper - Smelly Stuff

    Beware that this stuff wreaks! I put it around the perimeter of my house and now everytime I walk outside, or open a window I'm overcome by a strong moth ball smell. My advice would be to keep this stuff away from your living areas.