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  • Dr. G. - A Yearly Requirement

    Each year Dick Bolles comes out with a new edition of his seminal book "What Color is Your Parachute." Each year I buy it. WCIYP is one of those books you NEED to have on your bookshelf whether you already have a job or whether you are in the thick of a career transition or whether you are just starting out from college. There have been many clones of Bolles's book, but none have the rich depth of building upon that original title the way Dick has. His philosophy on career investigation, the method of motivating yourself, and the tips, techniques, and tools are invaluable. As long as a new version comes out each year, he'll sell at least one book,,,to me.

  • Ira Ellenbogen - Just what the (battery) doctor ordered.

    We have an active 5 year old at home who has battery operated toys seemingly everywhere. When Robome arrived it required C-size batteries instead of the ubiquitous AA's. Faced with about $1.50 a battery, we "invested" in this and some Energizer recharge NiMh. It is truly a universal charger working with AAA, AA, C, D and 9V. And dependable energizer quality is a plus. The only minus is it uses a power brick instead of having a built in cord. But maybe that's good as it can be replaced...

  • Monique S - Great suppliments!

    Since I was young, my mother would always take hair, skin, and nails vitamins and she swore by them. She did have great hair, skin, and nails, so there must have been a connection there. Knowing this I thought I would start using them. How can I go wrong? If anything I am taking some great vitamins and minerals, right? This supplement is like basically taking a multi-vitamin as it has so many different vitamins inside. It also has biotin which is a known supplement in hair, skin, and nail health. Overall this is a great product and I would highly recommend it!

  • Kevin Schuettler Jr. - They look great and are not loud at all

    I was expecting the installation to be very difficult based on other reviews, but that was not the case at all. It took me all of 15 minutes to put these together and secure them on my 2013 Grand Cherokee. They look great and are not loud at all.

  • Steve P. - Not worth the Pain

    I was never able to setup financial account importing in the 2011 version, even after having Intuit tech support look into the problem. So, I updated to this version thinking that I would finally resolve this vexing problem and that it might work better with my new Windows 10 computer. It turns out that I was wrong on both counts. This version doesn't allow for text and icon sizing appropriate to my high resolution monitor (even though there're a couple of ways to minimize the pain) and, worse, it keeps crashing when I try to Create Invoices or Receive Payments. This is no way to run the finances of a business, look for other another accounting solution.