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City: -80.9091 North Carolina, United States

  • Randy - Cardinals

    The DVD showed all the high lights. Game 6 was the best the people where tenis in the game. When the final home was hit it was hard to describe but was great.

  • Jennifer Kaczala - Love it !

    Really good for beginners and gives you options for low impact or if you want to kick it up a notch.

  • Amazon Customer - Good, sturdy product but no need to lock

    Racks fit great but rubber top covers make locks useless. Pull rubber back to remove connecting hardware. A sliding metal cover that requires removal of locking end caps access connecting hardware would be more secure. Great product if you're not overly concerned with security.

  • dan b. - Great buy.

    Bought this battery pack to run my GoPro while filming my kids playing baseball and softball. Works great. Dont even have to recharge it over the course of an entire weekend tournament which consists of about 5 games. Great product.