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  • http://tvl-avsa.ch/./anlaesse_termine/index.php Anlässe/Termine - Wann Wo Was Info 03.11.2016 Olten, Hotel ARTE Jahresversammlung und Herbsttagung TVL Session d'automne et assemblée anuelle AVSA Thema: Kaninchen – Haltung, Tiergesundheit
  • http://tvl-avsa.ch/./archiv_vortraege/index.php Archiv/Vorträge - „Fortschritte in der Schlachttierbetäubung, Herausforderungen in der Schlachthygiene“ Prof. Dr. M. Stoffel, Vetsuisse Uni Bern, Inst. f. Anatomie Tierschutzgerechte Betäubung
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  • http://tvl-avsa.ch/./kontakt/index.php Kontakt - Haben Sie Fragen oder Anregungen? Zögern Sie nicht uns zukontaktieren. Dr. Michel Laszlo Kantonstierarzt Schlachthofstr. 55/PF 448 4012 Basel praesident
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    Country:, Europe, CH

    City: 8.1551 , Switzerland

  • Amazon Customer - New version is terrible

    The new version of these diapers is horrible. I have been a pampers lover for many years. i am hoping they go back to the ones we've been buying for two years! For now I'll be trying to find something else that works for us.

  • Chris Hughes - Don't waste your time or money on these

    Junk! Don't waste your time or money on these. Attempted to pair with 3 devices (LG G3, Samsung Note 5, & Samsung Gear Fit 2) but the earbuds were apparently defective. Beware all the 5-star reviews as many of them were given after receiving the product for free.

  • Kellea Poore - Just Like The Original, But With Two Extra Features

    My husband and I wanted to get some board games to play with our 6 year old and 4 year old. After looking through all the board games I remembered as a child, we bought Sorry! along with a couple of others. So far our children love the game. If you're aware of the original game from decades ago, the only difference between this version and the other is they've added a "fire" and "ice" feature (two little rings.. nothing electronic). We haven't used the fire and ice aspects, yet, since we wanted to make sure our children could understand the basic principles of the original game. After 1 full game was played they understood the rules so we'll add fire and ice next time.

  • Suewithcookielee - A fun read. Looking forward to the next one

    A fun read. Looking forward to the next one! Secondary characters were flat - but the protagonist was actually very interesting, as was the friend she found in space. Loved that relationship! Both of those characters were well-developed sometimes funny and definitely and fallible. One wonders why all the rest were so uninteresting... they weren't characters at all, but caricatures of the typical "space crew." The love-interest was laughable. It's like the whole book was written and the editor said, "Hey, you need to add a love interest." That character was a blithering idiot, but the writer kept trying to convince the reader that he was somehow brilliant. I know this because Wells kept using the words "he's brilliant." Here's a hint... if you want readers to believe a character is brilliant... have him or her do something that's actually a step above blithering.

  • Virginia Joe - Service from Waterpic Sux

    The product works great, wish i could use mine. The button which stops the water malfunctioned (stuck off) contacted support suggesting that they could just send the replacement part. They agreed, lost an email with my address and finally said they sent it but would take 20 business days. I am still waiting. really, how hard would it be to send this item priority mail. It has been over a month without use of this product.

  • Amazon Customer - Pushes you to do better

    I have been a huge fan of Jawbone UP. When i heard they were coming out with a waterproof design, I was stoked. Jawbone delayed the release of UP3 and blamed it on the waterproof feature. I was so disappointed that i started researching other products. An ad showed up of Moov Now and sparked interest to look into. I watched the videos of the anticipated product and preordered 2 of them fpr the swimming and boxing exercises. Once I got my bands, i tried my first workout, and man was i sore instantly. It does not count your reps if you do it wrong, making it harder to slack. The band coaches you and help you achieve your goals. While all the other fitness trackers... Well track. I highly suggest this product. I will never go back to Jawbone after this experience.

  • S. Gaskin - Great for what it is

    I give this item five stars, not because it is the best homebrewing kit out there, but because it is probably the most economical choice for a person looking for an introduction to homebrewing.