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City: -94.566 Missouri, United States

  • Potatowalker - better than expected

    I'm very happy with this set of combination wrenches. I've had cheap wrenches that rounded off on the first heavy use - these did not. I put over 60ft-lbs of torque on the 17mm and it did not show any damage. The middle part is thinner than my Craftsman set, so if you ran it over with a truck one would likely bend, but used properly I did not feel it bend. The roll that comes with it is better quality than I expected - nylon fabric with pvc backing instead of just stitched pvc. The wrenches were all there, no missing or doubled sizes as others have reported and it does not have any excessive smells. It could have a better closure strap, instead of the flimsy nylon cord that was just tied onto an eyelet, but for the price I didn't even expect one of those. I can always just add a cinch-strap if I find it necessary. Overall, very good set of wrenches for an awesome price. I would recommend this to anyone looking for a less-expensive set of wrenches.

  • Amazon Customer - Stay away

    As a technician for many years and a current pharmacy student, I have to steer others away from this study guide. There are much better products on the market. The contents do not look professional and look like they were made in Microsoft Word. Like other reviews have mentioned, the math "review" section is basically remedial math and has little applicability to the test. There several spelling mistakes in the drug names. Although I did not read the entire guide, what I did review was not great. I would recommend getting a better book that actually has reliable information. Those that have given positive reviews of the product have obviously not worked in the field.

  • Krysteina - Love it

    Great product!!! I used this butt cream for only a month and I can tell that my butt is lifted and smoother than before. I can only imagine if I used the cream and the pills at the same time what my results could have been. I also worked out after applying this cream such as squats, leg lounges etc.