Self-Realization & Clear-Mindedness - Alexander Technique,spirituality,clear-mindedness,self-realization,self-actualization,entity removal,teacher,healing,dark force,forces of darkness,clarity,enlightenment,fundamental clarity,freedom

  • Original Writings on Self-Realization & Healing - self-actualization,self-realization,practices,methods,mental illness,psychiatry,dark force,entities,healing,enlightenment,reality,spirituality,article,original writings,Alexander Technique,soul mate,old souls,angels
  • Exit 'Spirituality' - Enter Clear-Mindedness - An introduction to this site, explaining how the very concept of spirituality is actually sourced from the so-called 'dark side' and 'aware clear-mindedness' is where we really need to be pointing.
  • The Guide to Complete Self-Actualization - affirmations,declarations of intent,self-realization,self-actualization,self-healing,core,core essence,consciousness
  • Letting Go of Addictions and Compulsive Behaviours - A simple but powerful combination of methods for letting go of addictions, habits and compulsions.
  • "Am I a Healer?" - Some notes for those who are wondering if they are a healer or are wondering how to get started in spiritual healing, and to serve as a warning to established healers about their own respective situations
  • 'Dark Force' and Entity Troubles - The Real Way to Clear Them - How to master your situation with 'dark force' interferences and what appear to be 'entities', and how to remove them or at least progressively clear them out.

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  • Melinda Traynor - No sweat but suuuwwweeett!

    I expected this to heat-up upon application but it didn't. My bad for not reading more closely. It smells GREAT and while it's useless as a "sweat enhancer" I have found it is a VERY effective foot/heel moisturizer. Hey, if I paid for it I'm using it for something !

  • Hellslina - Feeling balanced!

    I drink this tea at night as I unwind for bed. It's been great to settle my stomach and balance my body before going to sleep. When I've eaten things throughout the day that I shouldn't have too much of (fried foods, dairy, spicy foods), I drink this tea and feel so much more balanced when I wake up in the morning.

  • Clifford - The radio reception is not as good as the factory antenna

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  • mhoskie - radiator

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