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    Country:, North America, US

    City: -122.0574 California, United States

  • Daniela L. - So far I love it. Will update with time.

    I purchased this bed a few days ago directly from IKEA, so I'm reviewing the bed itself, not Amazon.

  • C. C. - Excellent moisturizer!!!! 5 Star***** moisturizer...Can't go wrong with this product!!

    I love Philosophy!! They have the best products. This moisturizer is the best. I have combination and sensitive skin and have never had any issues, and it works perfectly with my skin type. It has a great scent. It goes on smooth and absorbs easily. It leaves my skin healthy and so soft. Also, it leaves my skin with a healthy glow. It is very moisturizing and works for fine lines. I use a serum before using the moisturizer, ​and it doesn't leave my skin tacky. I have only great things to say about this product!!

  • The Voracious Reader - Sorely DISSAPPOINTED!!

    I have used Olay Product for about 10 years now and I have always had a great experience. So when I found out about this hair remover I thought it would be just as good. I was a little skeptical at first based on the fact that it was $23 but it was Olay so I felt it would be worth it. I take it home and follow the directions. I liked the balm you put on first because after I put on the cream I didn't feel that tingle or burn like other products. So after keeping it on the recommended 10 minutes I take a cottonball and start to wipe it off. It removed very little hair and the hair that did come off it wasn't the whole hair, it left stubble. The hair started growing back after only 4 days and since it didn't get the whole hair some of the hairs are now ingrown and I will have to tweeze. I was very dissapointed and felt that I just wasted $23 on a product that made my hair problem worse. IF I COULD GET MY MONEY BACK I WOULD BE VERY HAPPY!! I guess it is back to Veet.

  • Q1984 - Excellent quality

    This book was exactly as ordered with Crisp pages and vibrant colors. I will enjoy this more than my son. Speedy delivery.

  • Claudia - MADE MY FEET WORSE!

    didn't work at all. I followed the directions perfectly and it only dried out my skin worse. no pealing to reveal nice new skin. my feet just looked like I had walked barefoot through the desert. they were dry on top and the bottom the heels were exactly the same and it took forever to get them to look soft again. the skin didn't peal so I was left with just terribly dry skin for weeks.

  • BluWave47 - Get beautiful hair!

    This product is wonderful! It makes my hair feel soft and pretty smooth after use. I like to use it right after I shower by taking a TINY amount and putting it on my bottom half of my hair. Another way I like to use it is after flat ironing- I take a tiny amount and run it through my hair from top to bottom and voila-it's smooth and shiny!

  • L Ziel - Garbage

    Like other people have stated, there is not enough of the base to do the job. This product is a ton of work and the finished product does not look even close to what they state it will look like. The product makes a total mess when adding the flakes.It pools up in the creases and is near impossible to sand it correctly. If you have an empty house that you are not living in and have a week to do the job and can work on it 8 hours a day every day you may be able to get it to look OK but I don't see that it will ever look like real granite. In all actuality you could get formica that looks like granite that will cover the same area this kit says it will cover for about $300-$400, it would be new and look better than this product. Save your money and avoid this product at all cost, unless you want to waste a week of your time for a product that doesn't look good. The only good part of this product is that after it looked as bad as it did Rustoleum is a great company and did refund our money for the product but they could not replace our time that we wasted.