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Country:, North America, US

City: -104.7573 Colorado, United States

  • ram2727 - Wonderful non-dairy and healthy!

    We love this product! By the way, I am allergic to bananas, so I just use peaches, blueberries, strawberries, and cherries and it works fine! I just make mine before they stick bananas in it. I'm glad we got the non-deluxe version for Christmas (deluxe would have been great too, but this is fine) and we use it a lot. My daughter can't have dairy, but with this she can enjoy treats with the rest of us. Awesome product!

  • Shary Wheeler - I was very happy with the product - but none of my grand-children ...

    I was very happy with the product - but none of my grand-children were I have several hundred dollars of coins and really do not want to spend them. I returned the 'books' but can't return the quarters, lesson learned...Ask first.