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Thought I'd give Acronis a try because I didn't like the direction Symantec had taken with their "Ghost" product; which I had been using for longer than I can remember. Setting up your backup scheme is very simple but you do need to read the documentation to understand how to configure your backups to get the results you are looking for. I like it better than Ghost, even before they ruined it.
I just got the NuWave PIC2 (and extra one for shipping and handling) offer and I got mislead by the TV advertisement and NuWave website reviews (which are all 5 stars and a few 4 stars). This NuWave PIC2 can’t even heat up more than 3 quarts of water in a large pan. I did a side by side comparison of this PIC2 and the electric stove element and no comparison. It is the total opposite of what the TV Advertisement shows.