Peoples Acupuncture - We are an affordable, low cost clinic with patient centered and results oriented care. Our patients return for more sessions and help spread the word because of high success rate in their treatments, and so can you, as this is truly a gift of healing when you tell others about us. If you purchase a discounted package, you can give un-used sessions to your entire family, and friends, with no expiration date on it.

  • Passion and compassion - With a leap of faith, self-confidence, and community service in mind, we are here to help imrpove your health and enrich lifes possibilities to the fullest.
  • Peoples Acupuncture - We are a low cost clinic with little advertising other than the word of mouth. Our patients help spread the word and so can you, as this is truly a gift of healing when you tell others about us. You and your entire family, and your friends can benefit, if you buy a discounted package, with no expiration date on it.
  • a gift of healing - Decriptions of what we do and how we do our job - Treatment Specialties and Treatment Modalities.
  • Getting an acupuncture the first time - This is our communications tool for our patients with information that we think will enrich their understandings about Traditional Chinese Medicine. This is our electronic bulletin board to post tips for better health. Patients are able to reach us via email - [email protected]

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -81.5401 Florida, United States

  • Tasha M - There is one story included that makes the whole book ...

    There is one story included that makes the whole book worthwhile. It is entitled 'Long Tom Lookout' and is by Nicole Cullen, a writer new to my radar. There is a lot going on in this story. The gist of it is that a woman is looking for her errant husband from whom she is separated. He is not to be found but when she goes to his home, she steals his pick-up truck and the five year-old child he had with another woman (who is now in jail for drug addiction). The child appears to be autistic. He barely speaks except to repeat words, and is fascinated with maps. She drives from New Orleans to Idaho and there secures a job at a remote site as a fire sighter. The story is about the relationship of the woman and the child, along with her attempts to try and understand herself and him, and come to terms with the dissolution of the marriage. The story's power lies with what is implied but not directly stated. It takes a writer with real chops to create a short story that stays with the reader without fading in its beauty. Ms. Cullen succeeds in doing this.

  • Built2flex - So close to perfect.

    Used on my quad to lock the key safely where I leave it. The only issue is that I had to buy the longer pins for that receiver hitch. Why don't they just include the longer ones to start with? They know it's a problem on "some".