Pharmacie de Clarens | Clarens-Montreux | Accueil - CONTENT="Spécialisée en médecines douces, fabrication de médicaments, luminothérapie, moyens auxiliaires, perçage des oreilles et ioniseurs d

Country:, Europe, CH

City: 8.55 Zurich, Switzerland

  • Nancy Nagler - Microsoft's database program

    This is a good database program, the easiest to use, at least for me, since I had to leave an early version of Paradox (MDx2 - sorry) behind. The 2010 version is quite different than my XP version, but, of course, the XP version isn't supported any more. Gotta keep the GNP up, and Microsoft's bottom line healthy.

  • Dylan Woody - No depth whatsoever

    I'm suprised this game had food reviews, there is no depth at all. Drive your ambulance from wherever the game starts you to a green point about 25 seconds down the road. The paramedic will get out, tie someone's shoe and get back in (typically not getting in the door they got out of). No siren controls, no light controls, only a horn. Traffic doesn't abide either.

  • jstmyopnyn - -) I really do love this stuff

    I keep one at work, one at home, and I travel with one.. oh and one in my "walk of shame" bag (that bag stays in the trunk and has all my essentials for a spontaneous moment). ;-). If you are considering buying this product, my purchase history should tell you something. :-) I really do love this stuff. You don't have to be ashamed to go when you are out and about or spending the night away from home. I think every one should carry one, especially if you don't know when the feeling will hit you. I especially think ladies should use them if they have to go while at work. I can't STAND going into the ladies room and that smell hits you at the door. it just makes me gag and I feel contaminated... like the smell is all over me.