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    Country:, Europe, NL

    City: 4.9167 North Holland, Netherlands

  • Treycie - and is nothing like this item shown

    This item is not at all as pictured here....rather it is a large bulky belt which is impossible to use on legs/arms...and is nothing like this item shown.

  • MO School of Religion - Hidden Costs

    Was annoyed that the product only came with subscription for one employee - you are then required to pay extra for additional employees. How do they note this - with a footnote on the 2nd part of the product disclaimer. I have used quickbooks for over 12 years and have not had them do this.

  • Saddie Loiuse - It works but the pouch is pretty tiny and the water bottle holder is at a ...

    It works but the pouch is pretty tiny and the water bottle holder is at a funny angle so it is really easy to accidentally knock things out of it.

  • geomic - I loved it! I saw the original 7 times in ...

    I loved it! I saw the original 7 times in the movie theater when it was released back in 1996 ($3.25 per ticket). The sequel took me back to everything I loved about the original. I personally had so much fun watching this ID4 Resurgence. I really don't understand all the negative reviews and why this movie didn't do better at the box office in the US.

  • Amazon Customer - 7 very easy.

    Must have for engines with bottom oil filters. Makes removal and install on 2012 Challenger RT 5.7 very easy.

  • S. Eisner - A waste of money for me.

    After being on HRT (hormone replacement therapy) for 17 years because of severe menopausal symptoms, I felt it was time to stop, but feared the horrendous hot flashes and night sweats starting again. When I discovered Amberen, I thought this just might be the answer, so I invested the money even though it was more money than what I paid monthly for Prempro. Well, after 90 days and double the dosage (which is advised if the single dose is not effective) Amberen did absolutely nothing for me. The hot flashes and night sweats returned with a vengence and were as bad as they were before I went on HRT. Unfortunately, I am just one of those females who has severe symptoms and will probably continue having them for the rest of my life. I am seeing my gynocologist next week and am going to go back on HRT.