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  • A. Mango - great quality, pre-teen daughter loves it

    top quality,, will last a long time, very comfortable an chad great storage,, daughter loves it,, great print, in kohl's for twice as much....

  • Danny Angell - Smart Mix

    ordered it by mistake should have gotten SUPER MIX in stead, it is too weak a mixture will not order that again

  • D. Dunbar - Not a thriller

    The book starts out strong. The author is very descriptive and has an emotional connection with her characters. It is obvious she is a gifted writer. With that said, the book becomes less interesting a little more than halfway through. I found myself not caring about Evelyn and her problems. The way in which she deals with her issues in life were not realistic to me. Not enough time was spent in development of the relationship with her husband. The most difficult problem, however, is that there really is no mystery in the story. It is just a sad and sordid love story.