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  • Allison O'Dell - Key cannot be programmed

    Here's what happened: I needed to make a duplicate key for my 2010 Nissan Altima, so I ordered this virgin key. It looked exactly like the key I had, and I went ahead and got the mechanical key cut at a locksmith for about $10. When I went to the Nissan dealership to program it, they told me that there was no computer chip in the key, and they couldn't program it. They gave me a discount and only charged me $30 for a new key, plus about $90 to program it. I still have the mechanical part of the key just as an extra spare, but the remote is useless and was thrown away.

  • Gay L. Deputee - Another winner by Daniel Arenson

    This third installment in the series climaxes with the final encounter with an alien evil. But, it is not the end of evil. This book takes us into a more intimate knowledge of our lead characters, building deeper bonds with them. The story is fluid and allows a journey through their pasts and shows how they developed into the individuals they needed to become. It kept me rivited and anxious to read more. Good job, once again.