Whakawhetū | Mokopuna Ora - Maori SIDS National Prevention Service is a national kaupapa Maori organisation dedicated to supporting whānau to nurture and protect their babies from the risk of SUDI through strengthening the services they engage with. We provide policy advice, disseminate evidence based information, deliver training and education and strengthen existing workforce development.

  • http://www.whakawhetu.co.nz/purongo Pūrongo | Whakawhetū - From time to time our kaupapa of Mokopuna Ora hits the headlines.  In this section you will find an archive of any news items where Whakawhetū have featured.  To view these media articles and news clips click here
  • http://www.whakawhetu.co.nz/media/m%C4%81ori-narratives-poverty Māori Narratives of Poverty | Whakawhetū - In this report on Māori child poverty, Whakawhetū commissioned a study of the experiences of eight whānau Māori living in poverty and hardship. The aim of this study was to highlight the human dimension and reality of poverty for Māori children – the real stories behind the statistics. Download a pdf of the report here.
  • http://www.whakawhetu.co.nz/mokopuna-ora-seminars-2016 Mokopuna Ora Seminars 2016 | Whakawhetū - Mokopuna Ora Seminars These regional seminars are designed for anyone working with whānau who have an interest in increasing their knowledge about the kaupapa of Mokopuna Ora and aim to broaden participants knowledge about SUDI whilst providing opportunity to build networks, share and access information from experts working in the field of SUDI prevention.
  • http://www.whakawhetu.co.nz/rauemi Rauemi | Whakawhetū - Whakawhetū offer our resources as images and downloadable PDFs. Click on the picture below to download these.
  • http://www.whakawhetu.co.nz/research-improved-maori-child-health-outcomes Research for Improved Māori Child Health Outcomes | Whakawhetū - The Whakawhetū research plan seeks to source, review and disseminate SUDI related research to enable health professionals to support Māori whānau reduce the risk of SUDI for their babies. We do this through drawing on evidence based research that then informs key messages appropriately targeted to a wide range of stakeholders from whānau to health professionals.
  • http://www.whakawhetu.co.nz/te-r%C4%81-mokopuna-ora-safe-sleep-day Te Rā Mokopuna Ora - Safe Sleep Day | Whakawhetū - Te Rā Mokopuna Ora will take place on Friday 2nd December, 2016 Register an event or activity here to receive one free Te Rā Mokopuna Ora Campaign Kit which will include:
  • http://www.whakawhetu.co.nz/rehita-mai-register-event Rehita mai - Register an event | Whakawhetū - Register an event Register your Te Rā Mokopuna Ora - Safe Sleep Day event here or by clicking on the 'Register an event' button!
  • http://www.whakawhetu.co.nz/te-r%C4%81-mokopuna-ora-safe-sleep-day-2016 Te Rā Mokopuna Ora - Safe Sleep Day 2016 | Whakawhetū - Tēnā koe!   Thank you for visiting our Te Rā Mokopuna Ora - Safe Sleep Day website.   Te Rā Mokopuna Ora - Safe Sleep Day will take place on Friday 2nd of December, 2016. Click here to register for our up-to-date pānui and notifications about this kaupapa.
  • http://www.whakawhetu.co.nz/wahakura Wahakura | Whakawhetū - The wahakura Promoting devices that enable safe bed-sharing has been a primary focus for Whakawhetū. The wahakura is the country’s first kaupapa Māori safe-sleeping device developed by the Nukutere Weavers’ Collective in Gisborne in 2006. The wahakura has a traditional forbear in the pōrakaraka, a similar pre-European structure slung from the rafters of the whare.
  • http://www.whakawhetu.co.nz/contact Contact | Whakawhetū - Address and phone The University of Auckland/Tamaki Campus 261 Morrin Rd Building 734, Level 3. St Johns, Auckland 1072 Phone:+649 373 7599 ext. 87601 Please use the form below to get in touch with us:
  • http://www.whakawhetu.co.nz/what-sudi What is SUDI? | Whakawhetū - Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy (SUDI) is an umbrella term that describes the death of an infant which was not anticipated as a significant possibility 24 hours before the death, or where there was a similarly unexpected collapse leading to or precipitating the events which led to the death. SUDI captures both unexplained and explained causes of death during a baby’s first year of life that is unexpected.  It is made up of three components which are, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), Unintentional Suffocation, and Other Deaths.
  • http://www.whakawhetu.co.nz/sudi-training Ako | Whakawhetū - Whakawhetū offer a range of opportunities for whānau, community and workforce to increase their knowledge and understanding about Mokopuna Ora and SUDI prevention. We have an online learning option  which, through watching six short videos allows you to learn more about SUDI prevention at your own pace.  To find out more about our Online SUDI Training, click here .
  • http://www.whakawhetu.co.nz/media/news In the NEWS..... | Whakawhetū - Te Karere: Unconscious bias likely playing a role in high SUDI rates for Māori The Hui: Unconscious bias against Māori in the health system TVNZ: Maori parents not getting cot death advice – researchers
  • http://www.whakawhetu.co.nz/media/maori-parents-not-getting-cot-death-advice-researchers Maori parents not getting cot death advice - researchers | Whakawhetū - A report in the New Zealand Medical Journal says an unconscious bias might be to blame for Maori parents not receiving sleep safe information when engaging with health care services. Maori babies are five times more likely to die of Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy than non-Maori babies, but less than half of Maori families are being given the safe sleep advice, University of Auckland researchers found.
  • http://www.whakawhetu.co.nz/media/unconscious-bias-against-m%C4%81ori-cot-death-advice 'Unconscious bias' against Māori in cot death advice | Whakawhetū - Families most at risk of losing a child to cot death may not be receiving the health advice they need. A report in the New Zealand Medical Journal says an unconscious bias might be to blame for Māori parents not receiving sleep safe information when engaging with health care services. Click here to see the full story:

    Country:, Oceania, NZ

    City: 174 , New Zealand

  • jah28 - Beware motor issues!!

    Baby born the end of September. We started using the 4moms mamaroo the middle of october. We have barely used this glider and the motor is already going out and its been only a week. The motor is starting to make loud jerky noises like its about to stall while in motion. Im very gentle with my baby's things so I know its not because of rough use. This is a neat concept, especially with iphone/ipod attachment, but, beware of the motor giving out with just a few uses. Its too late to return because i purchased this in July while preparing for my baby. What a waste of $200!!!

  • equus924 - I love this stuff

    I love this stuff! I bought to help me get used to my Epilator. I used it twice and the pain was almost non-existent. I put it on......wrapped the area in plastic wrap and waited about 30 minutes. I then wiped it off and shaved. I don't need the gel anymore but I'll definitely keep it for my next tattoo ;).

  • Professional Shopper in Florida - Easier than a juicer - but doesn't really do what it claims

    I have a juicer and I juice a few times a week - its messy and it takes forever to clean up. So when I saw the higher powered bullet, I was excited ... in the past 5 years I've gone through 3 Magic Bullets, but I used them often to make sauce and smoothies. One thing it never did was chop ice well. So I've had the Nutribullet 5 days now and its really not much more than a Magic Bullet. It leaks unless I use a rubber jar opener to REALLY tighten it ... of course then it takes some serious muscle to UNtighten it. I could not tighten it enough with the jar opener to get it to stop leaking otherwise! It tells you throw everything in - especially grape seeds and the like (not Apple seeds tho)- that's a load of crap. The smoothies I've made so far, I've had to chop up the stuff and it was NOTHING hard - blueberries, pears, apples, grapes, bananas, almond butter and/or kale ... some combination of those ingredients. I don't know what they consider "pulverize" but I am chewing kale, and pulling grape seeds out of my teeth after 30-45 seconds and then throwing it back on for another 15. So far, no different than the Magic Bullet as far as I see it. And the recipes they give you? You can't fit HALF that fruit in the large container and not go over the "Max Fill" line. They say the size of fruit varies, so pay attention to the fill line. I buy organic which is typically smaller than non-organic produce - they don't want you to know you can really only use half an apple and half a banana, etc. One sliced medium banana is at least 1/3 of the large cup. But they have recipes to include 4 more fruits? Please ... I am starting to think if you want a vitamixer, just buy a vitamixer :) I haven't tried a carrot yet, but I can't imagine if it can't break down kale how its going to break down a carrot. If I want to chew my food I can use a food processor. So I don't see how this can be nearly as nutrient rich as juicing since you get SO much more in a glass of juice than you can fit in the tiny space of the "Max Fill" line of even the large Nutribullet cup.

  • Tony - Perfect fit, great quality

    Perfect fit, great quality. Came with a lanyard, and an extra rubber grommet, and a letter with a website to order replacement grommets free of charge! Highly recommend this product!

  • K. Swenson - ThreeLac?

    So, I bought the threelac because I was having some problems caused by an excess of candida albicans in my digestive tract. I had already experienced incredible relief from these symptoms from just changing my diet, which makes it hard to say if the threelac really helped at all. The lemon flavored one tastes nice, but I keep thinking about how probiotics are sensitive to heat and I have no idea what temperatures they are stored at in the Amazon warehouse or in the shipping process. Or if they were in the sun for a while and the product was already dead. Who knows! They could be helping a tremendous amount, but because I've changed my diet so much (in a very healthy way) I just haven't noticed the effect of this product. If you're considering buying it because of yeast, just get a book called "Feast Without Yeast", get a good refrigerated probiotic, and schedule yourself some colonics. Seriously. They help to remove the yeast from your large intestine. Also, whole coconut milk and/or coconut oil. They have a high lauric acid content which has been found very effective in treating candida, as well as many other problems that affect your immune system.

  • mommy 64030 - More Please

    I enjoyed this story. The hero is not a very young man, he's looking to retire. The heroine is strong, in that she experiences a phenomenon where she simply knows about these dragons, but does not allow it the final say. She does not trust this information and tests it for herself. I would like to see this series become more developed.

  • B. Frank - No real change

    The good news is Quickbooks 2011 works very similar to 2009 and take little relearning, unlike some past updates.