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  • Julie - One week and I am amazed.

    I have struggled with extreme fatigue for years as well as a host of other issues that I thought were non-related. Joint pain, foggy brain, memory issues, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, thrush, vaginal yeast infections, itchy skin. My doctors all diagnosed depression....and I tried anti-depressants....they didn't work. I stumbled on the idea of candida and started drinking Kefir with some positive results. I then found the Threelac and have been taking it for a week. I have had HUGE improvements in all of my symptoms. My energy level is way up and the itching in my skin has improved. My joint pain is gone completely. I am so convinced that the Threelac is working that I plan to continue. Some hints for anyone just starting out. Try half a packet and see how your body reacts first. The die off symptoms I experienced at first were heavy duty. I did get some stomach pains and decided to take the Threelac with meals and with Kefit and that made a huge difference. No more stomach pain. I only take the Threelac at night now as my die off is still pretty severe but I wake up in the morning feeling absolutely amazing. It may be a long journey to complete healing but I know this stuff is working!!

  • Michaelst7 - Healthy Technology

    Excellent technology. Makes doing something semi-icky a repeatable, and even, enjoyable healthy experience. The packets do kind of tit you to this product, but are reasonably priced and can be stored for quite a while if done properly.

  • ANDREA1969 - I Spy With My Eye....

    This "PowerLead Puda D003 Dash Cam Dual Camera 1080P Dual camera Front Camera 158°Back Camera 120°Wide Angle Super Night Vision Mode HD Video 1920*1080 DVR" takes great footage. Once you set up this dash cam it will automatically turn on and off (almost instantly) with your car so you don’t even have to think about it. The cable is VERY long and can be tucked into the gap around your windshield to not obstruct your view. The camera continually takes 5-10-15 minute video segments and overwrites the oldest segments when the SD card runs out of space. If the camera senses an impact it will lock that video segment and put it into a separate folder in the SD card where it will not be overwritten. You can also press the lock button on the camera to manually lock a segment from being overwritten.