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  • Ragefororder - the materials are great and take rain and abrasion without showing wear

    Both so close and yet SO far away... If a messenger bag can't sit upright on it's own, is that a deal-breaker? Turns out my answer to that question is yes.

  • Ed R. - If It Ain't Broke...

    I am by trade a software engineer. I spent over 20 years in the areas of software design and testing. I am intimately familiar with the Office products and was shocked (dismayed) when the 2010 version came out. My review and therefore the one star rating are based on the following general areas:

  • Cool Dad - Definately better than crutches in some cases... not a replacement or complete solution.

    This crutch alternative originally seemed like a miracle. The short review is: You can get around OK and still have your hands free. This is particularly useful if you don't need to travel long distances and have to use stairs frequently.

  • Patrica Wagner - Lost 8 pounds and no problems taking

    Worked really well for me a few months ago and I'm about to buy more. Lost 8 pounds at the time, really easy to take no problems swallowing. I have a delicate stomach and was expecting the worst but I was fine.

  • John A. - Best vehicle I've ever owned

    Truly an amazing car. I would encourage anyone to go and test drive one. The features are incredible. I'm shocked I like an electric car this much! And it is incredibly fast...

  • Susan D - does not hold a charge. Dies after using once!!!!

    I just did fx face this morning. I did it on one side so I could compare it. I saw IMMEDIATE results. I did 7 minute's on 3 part's of my face. I rubbed argon oil to make is slide easier. It died when I tried using it 2 day's later, hasn't worke since!!!

  • Jenny Lynne - Disappointed.

    Ordered the Parent Child Testing Product 5-Pack as a Chanukah gift for my friends who are recent parents. Box arrived Christmas Eve, but was empty. Christmas morning, noticed a suspicious red puddle under empty box. Box was now full of dead rats clearly not placed there by me. Cleaned rats and called parents to wish them happy holiday, but was told they had both gone missing during the night (stepmother missing as well). Still no word from them. Am now also receiving vaguely threatening phone calls of heavy breathing nightly (roughly 3 AM). Is this part of the test? Surely Parent Child Testing Products would test parents and children together, not kidnap or otherwise harm one of said groups?