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Country:, Europe, HU

City: 19.2333 Pest megye, Hungary

  • Dennis Podgorski - Setup was easy - Add Oil & Gas one pull cord and up and running

    We have used over the last 3 days to power fridge, 2 fans, charge mobile phones and laptops and run a few lights. We are getting approx a run time of just over 13 hours on one tank (4 gallon) of gas.

  • LAHawk - ZERO help for senior dog with separation anxiety

    I did my research and was SO hopeful. After reading customer reviews and seeing video footage of dogs suffering from anxiety who seemed to be instantly transformed into mellow dogs, I ordered one. They boast of a success rate around 80% or higher, so I took a chance and ordered one for my 13 yr old poodle/terrier mix. He has begun to exhibit serious separation anxiety with excessive vocalization. Unfortunately, it has not helped him in the least. I left him for a short time only to return to what sounded like the cries of a dog being tortured. Each attempt has brought the same result. I guess that Scruffy is in the 20% that is unaffected by swaddling. It was worth a try. I'm rating the product poorly based solely on my personal experience. I do believe that others have had greater success. Not every training tool, or technigue works for every dog. I wish other dogs and their owners much success.