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  • Madeleine B. - Wake Up, Haters!

    I'm a little annoyed with the sarcastic "reviewers" of this book. You all seem to think it's funny that some people would honestly like some expert advice on ways to avoid huge ships. What, you've never been traveling at a very, very slow speed straight toward something really, really big that you could see for miles and miles away, and wished you'd known what steps you could take to avoid crashing into it? Well, all I can say is "congratulations!" What's it like to be so perfect? You haters just keep on enjoying your huge-ship-collision-free little fantasies. I for one am going to buy this book and learn something, because I live in the real world, where huge ships and the dangers they present to people like me are actually a serious issue.

  • A. Christensen - Works, for awhile.....

    I just finished using Nzuri for 90 days. First off, it is a very strong vitamin. When you order straight from them (which I recommend, I could tell a big difference in the quality of product, plus the price is better when buying more then one bottle) they tell you not to take on an empty stomach. Even if I have a bannana or a bowl of yogurt and granola I still get super sick. Today I just couldn't keep it down, and threw up 4 times! I thought I could get use to it, but not even after 3 months! And pretty much every time you throw it up, that's a dollar wasted.

  • Amanda V - Why the smell and then the color

    I can only give this three stars for one reason....the smell! The pump worked well and it cleaned my face nicely. But how can you make a face cleaner with a smell like that. Honestly it has a hint of lemon, but has an overwhelming smell of poo and the color doesn't make it any easier. I own the acne cream and the anti aging cream. They all have that awful color, but neither smell like this stuff. So this could be a great product if they can figure out what ingredient mix is causing that odor and fix it.

  • Carl R. Grady - Recommended by My Software/Hardware Gurus

    If you've been around computers for more than 30 years you don't need much support, but if all you do is Office applications for the most part then you need some help (and some protection) from old Java software runtime programs and other necessary but arcane ilk. Avast was installed on my laptop and it's supported by the guru company I always call on if anything goes wrong. They continue to support the laptop and Avast, and I upgraded from free Avast to paid.

  • TRiffic - Great sound quality, but wasn't comfortable for me

    Work fine but I think my ears are non-standard because they aren't exactly comfortable. They send you several sizes of accessories, which I'm sure work for most people. It just wasn't that comfortable for me and I was afraid I was going to lose them. Sound quality is good.