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City: -121.8914 California, United States

  • Praline - works

    WOW ... the stuff works ... TOO GOOD! Please be careful and make sure you start it on your off days from work ~ or better yet make sure your home on DAY TWO as day 2-4 will be where all the action is. =)

  • motleychick - Cookbook

    I got this for next to nothing, This is a E-cookbook, never used any of the recipies. I got it because of the Harry Potter name

  • JadeInOK - My fridge water is nice and clear again!

    The last fridge filter I bought was supposed to last up to six months. Well, i started seeing white residue on the water dispenser after about two months. I was desperate for a better filter but they are so expensive. This has a great value and great claims so I'm giving it a try. First, it fits perfectly! Knock-offs can be tricky with the right fit. Second, after dropping the first gallon through the filter - which is standard with a new filter - I got a crystal clear glass of water that tasted great! Now it's only been a few days, so I will need to update you more later, but I'm giving Crystala the benefit of the doubt!

  • Diana - no change no amazing energy, all these people who claim that they ...

    I have no clue what this is actually supposed to do, I take it in the morning and feel ZIP, NADA, no change no amazing energy, all these people who claim that they no longer have these headaches that it gives them an abundance of energy...must be taking speed along with the greens because I don't get it.