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  • Charles Hall - Kasperky might be good, If their website worked and customer support was better!

    Product did not install and activate correctly. Sent email to tech support, they were unable to solve the problem without me sending screen shots. Before I did that the problem seemed to clear up on it's own. Then I started getting a pop-up message saying Kaspersky could not connect to the Kaspersky. I went to sign on to myKaspersky account and couldn't find my password. When I selected forgot password, I was sent a link that took me back to the original sign in page, that was useless because I don't know my password. I looked up the phone number for Kaspersky U.S. operation, they sent me the correct link, however, it was necessary to answer the secret question in order to change the password, but they listed the answer to the question as the secret question itself. Since I couldn't remember the exact wording of the secret question that didn't work. The technician I was speaking with did not have the ability to solve the problem. Now I'm waiting for some nameless person to send me an email link that will allow me to re-create my secret question. This is just way too hard. Their website has issues, and they want me to believe they are protecting my computer; I don't think so. I'm returning the software.

  • Grammy - Handy for a quick cup

    This item is pictured with a mug, and called a "brewing machine" but it merely consists of a plastic ring which contains a mesh "sack" for the coffee grounds. I give it a plus for it's space-saving size. Takes up minimal space, and probably great for the office or travel. The disadvantage I found is that it is annoyingly messy to clean, grounds simply won't release quickly into the trash can, and end up in the sink.

  • George Tozer - my lower back would begin to be painful, along with leg pain

    I had endured intermittent bouts of sciatica that left me completely bed ridden for a few days, until it subsided. I always knew when it was coming as about 4 or 5 days prior, my lower back would begin to be painful, along with leg pain. It would get worse and worse, until it hit the tipping point. My last bout dropped me to the floor in a fetal position for about a half hour, before the pain reduced enough to crawl into bed.

  • H. Fresco - This is AWESOME! I ordered two and I did the tissue ...

    This is AWESOME! I ordered two and I did the tissue test. I was still a little nervous but my daughter who is 11 was pushy and really wanted to try it underwater. I told her we have a GoPro but thankfully she kept insisting. She took the most amazing pics and video underwater. Highly recommend this. I initially bought it to be protected while on the beach from sand and water getting splashed on it but glad she tried it and we can take it underwater on our upcoming Disney cruise.

  • Amazon Customer - Cheap Handles - Waste of Money

    Used it one time and the handle broke off. The backpack feature sounds great in theory but is super uncomfortable. Couldn't return it since it was past the 30 day mark, such a waste of money.

  • CO_Nate - Small, clear reception.

    We bought our Acadia with no antenna, so this was a perfect addition. Stations all come in crystal clear now, and install was about as easy as you would expect (simply screw it in!) It's small enough to not even notice it.

  • PdxABO - Perfect review for the GRE

    This GRE test prep book has helped me immensely in studying for the exam. I had previously been using free guidelines online and ended up getting confused. This book broke it down so it all made sense.