한국신약개발연구조합 (KDRA - Korea Drug Research Assocoation) - 한국신약개발연구조합(KRDA - Korea Drug Research Assocoation)는 혁신 제약산업계(제약기업 및 바이오테크기업)의 연구개발 총괄조정 대표 단체로서 물질특허제도 도입에 대비하여 대한민국의 글로벌 신약개발을 통하여 국내 내수 중심기업을 거대 다국적제약기업으로 육성하는 것을 목표로 설립되었습니다. 또한 의약분야의 산업기술에 대한 연구개발 선진기술의 도입 및 보급 등을 협동적으로 수행함으로써 의약산업기술 향상을 통하여 국민경제 발전에 이바지하는 것을 목적으로 하고 있습니다. 주요사업으로는 연구개발인큐베이션 및 프로젝트 지원사업(정부부처 연구기획 및 연구지원), 대정부 건의/자문 사업, 조사/연구사업, 교육/연수사업(고용노동부 인력양성 지정기관), 정보지원사업, 출판사업, 홍보사업, 제약산업기술거래센터(PTBC) 운영 및 기술거래사업, 시상운영사업 (대한민국신약개발상, 신약개발우수책임자/연구자상), 전문커뮤니티 운영사업 (제약개발연구회, 원료의약품 연구회, 의약분석연구회, 천연물의약품연구회, 제약생산기술연구회), 정책기구 운영 및 정책연구사업(혁신정책연구센터, InnoPol), 통계사업 (R&D백서 발간 외) 등입니다.

Country:, Asia, KR

City: 126.9741 , Republic of Korea

  • FictionalizedTruth - Not perfect...but better than normal biotene mouthwash

    This mouthwash does one thing fairly well, it helps remove the tartar buildup that occurs from chronic dry mouth on teeth, and the white buildup I get on my tongue. I think in the long run it might help prevent dental problems associated with dry mouth.

  • WLaurenB - Modern Day Snake Oil

    Just read the packaging. Does this stuff really make your hair thicker? No, it makes it "appear" thicker (about as well as any other volumizing product). Does it really keep your hair from falling out? No, "it reduces hair loss due to breakage from external factors" (what the heck does breakage from external factors mean??). Does it really revitalize the scalp? Only "when massaged in" (um, do ya think that maybe it's the massaging that revitalizes the scalp, not the product??). Shame on this company for playing on the desperation of a woman whose losing her hair to make an obscene profit on a worthless product! Yes, I fell for it, and it angers me that I was taken by a complete scam. Save your money ladies, this stuff just doesn't do anything but make you smell like a bottle of men's Vitalis hair tonic.

  • Amazon Customer - Finally, something that is working!

    I cannot stress enough, how much I've come to love this product! First off a little back story. Our long haired Golden Retriever/Black Lab mix got fleas late last summer. She's an indoor dog, so how she got these is beyond me...and I'm going out on a limb here, but my only guess was from either the Vet's office or the park (grass). Anyhow, a few hundreds of dollars later...and non stop dusting from a DE treatment I did to our entire house a few months ago (yes, I still have tons of DE coming up everywhere UGH!) we've finally found something that works!