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Country:, Europe, DE
City: 9.491 , Germany
I received this product on time and undamaged. It was nicely packaged. This product comes in its own sturdy storage box which I really appreciated.
I've had some really bad dental habits in my life. I've lost a total of 5 teeth to periodontal disease. I use this in combination with flossing and using toothpaste with triclosan.
I bought a PS4. My fiance wasn't impressed, she actually cursed and said mean things like "you're a big child", "grow up", "now nothing around here will ever get done" I tried explaining games are gonna get beat, trophies are gonna be won, and I'm gonna kill some people online. She did not count that as productivity. I didn't think she would ever come to love or appreciate my PS4, until I busted out this game and let her play it. She now likes the PS4 and wants more dancing games. It's the best game I bought!
Didn't buy the product through here, went to a local smoke shop to get it but wanted to write a review for all that have doubts. I'm a heavy, daily smoker and stopped smoking on Monday morning to take test that Wednesday. Took the precleanse (6 pills in a packet, you have to do 6 pills each day, two days prior to testing and drink plenty of water) and the day of the test drank 20 Oz of water every two hours before taking the xxtra clean, drank the extra clean, waited 15 minutes, filled the bottle with water and drank it. Pee 3 Or more times after that prior to testing and keep drinking 20 Oz of water every two hours after that. I also took two Azo cranberry pills the morning of the test. It is essential that the actual test is done within 2-3 hours after drinking the xxtra clean for optimal results. It worked for me, follow the instructions and it will most likely work for you too. P. S. This product is best for people that weigh more than 200lbs.