WestieMed - Rx for Rescued Westies - WestieMed is an internet-based, all-volunteer IRS 501(c)3 non-profit organization created to distribute financial aide to injured or ill rescued Westies.

Country:, North America, US

City: -71.2047 Massachusetts, United States

  • Peter Holmes - great charging bank for all your products

    This charging bank is great as its small enough to be portable but powerful enough to run or charge your Android or Apple cellphone, tablet. will even charge Lipo batteries that use a USB cable. This will charge any USB device no matter how new or old as it has the Standard USB, Power3s and the Qualcomm 2.0 systems chips inside and will automatically choose the one you need to charge your device. Since it is a 10400 power pack a completely drained one will take time to recharge between 5-8 hours depending the USB device you use to charge it. this is one very well made device, very sturdy and high end parts inside.

  • Rosa C. Fang - I absolutely love this publication!

    It's the best concentration of the best writing from the best writers. I've always loved this annual anthology. Often I'd read those pieces for the second time since their original publications were elsewhere, But I don't mind the least bit because they warrant revisits over and over.