- Quality Centrifugal Pumps from MP Pumps Europe - View - MP PUMPS is a manufacturer of quality centrifugal pumps for over 65 years serving the agricultural, industrial / commercial, marine, transportation and petroleum markets
Country:, North America, US
City: -94.566 Missouri, United States
I was on a boat tour of the rivers of Uganda when the tour guide spoke of a mysterious cable. Legend holds that this cable was crafted by highly skilled ancient blacksmiths to defend their civilization from ancient aliens. The tour guides name was Giorgio Tsoukalos who stated he also found this legendary artifact in the depths of the amazon. Or maybe it was amazon.Com
This is a highly protective case. My phone has survived a few drops. The case is thin and light, not big and clunky like an Otter Box. The warranty and customer service at SpeckProducts is also superb.