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This computer is not meant to be a desktop replacement. It is not for everyone, either, as Google's ad states. However, it is a computer that can be utilized by many people. I'll talk about the following aspects of the computer in this review: 1. Keyboard 2. Trackpad 3. Screen 4. Performance 5. What can people use it for in general? 6. Price, build quality and wrap-up
It would appear, from reading the reviews, that some people have had success with this device; unfortunately, that is not the case for me. I have a severe squirrel problem and had hoped that this trap would at least put a dent in it. I have had it out for a week, with a variety of recommended baits. The squirrels play all around it but do not attempt to enter; I honestly think they are laughing at it (and me). I am going to revert to a traditional trap instead.
Nice gentle, very concentrated cleaning product. I use it as part of a daily use fly spray formula for my horses. Works great.