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This is a fabulous “conclusion” to the Scum War (and sets the beginning of the next surprise, Earthfire). I thoroughly enjoyed this “final “installment, the best of the first three books. The story is fast paced yet not hurried and told in the author’s usual easily flowing style. I found myself immersed in the story and pulled along as if I was one of the characters. The characters we’ve all come to admire, Marco, Addy, Lailani, Kemi and Lt. Ben-Ari are all present and providing heroic outcomes. The battle sequences are pulse pounding, technically designed marvels and very satisfying. I can’t recommend the Earthrise series highly enough. This series is my first experience with Daniel Arenson and based upon my enjoyment reading it, I’ll likely read his Alien Hunter series will eagerly awaiting Earthfire.
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