Arizona School of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, ...................... Acupuncture School, Acupuncture Clinic ASAOM - Arizona School of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, ...................... Acupuncture School, Acupuncture Clinic - Tucson Arizona Acupuncture School, Acupuncture Clinic, Friendly Service and More - Arizona School of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, ...................... Acupuncture School, Acupuncture Clinic - ASAOM

Country:, North America, US

City: -73.9975 New York, United States

  • Very Happy - this is a really nice piece of software

    Hi, this is a really nice piece of software. It's easy to learn and use just watch the video's. Learning curve is not that hard. I was drawing floor plans in 2 days. Then it just exploded into colors, fixtures, porches, roof designs, you name it. All the people that gave this product a 1 or 2 rating couldn't build a house must less design a house plan. They are full of s...t. For 100 bucks this software rocks. I have drawn about 30 plans so far, because my wife doesn't like something on each one, but hey it's no problem I just go back and remove things she's not happy with and add what she wants. After 30 attempts I got what she wants. I am the man and she is happy all for a hundred bucks, and the house we both want.

  • michelle b - This is very easy to understand and use

    This is very easy to understand and use . I got this because some how my tablet does not read sd cards any more , and with out me able to put the sd card in I could not save my pictures because I could only find cord that hook to a usb and not a phone or android . This helps so much , All I have to do is take the couple of pictures I save on my tablet . hook up my tablet ( plugging in to this ) And it will let me save my pictures to whatever sd I want or if I wanted to do it the other way around and take something from my sd card and put it on my tablet and or phone.

  • Adam LaBenne - Great if you want to try out a different pill

    My wife is pregnant right now and is having a hard time keeping anything down to include these pills. But when she is able to keep it down they help out a lot with her energy levels and the fact she isn't getting a lot of nutrients in her system. With that she looks great still and doesn't look sickly at all because she is getting the vitamins she needs from the pills.

  • MBKR - Be prepared to hunt

    If you've ever installed Quickbooks before, you know that there is a sticker inside the box with a license number and a product number. Well in this box the sticker has only a license number. Since both numbers are still required to install the software this means hunting the web, and possibly a call to intuit customer service (with all the hold time that involves) to get the necessary info that should have been in the packaging to begin with. If I can get the software to install I may review the new version of Quickbooks, but thus far all I can review is the documentation (or lack therof).

  • Daniel Sturgeon - Great quick read

    Super quick and interesting read looking at the election from a saner perspective. Even though there is a left-wing bias to the story, Ronson is very quick to point out the worst of us on each side.

  • Nikki4u4 - WORKS!!

    Don't bother ordering a small bottle if you have more than 3 spots to work on it will be a waste,Go straight for the gallon jug.I had a sick kitty for 2 months and this is the only cleaner i found to work.You have to use A LOT on old stains but it works.Love this product worked better than Natures Miracle.

  • Kindle Customer - skeptical, but it does work

    I have 25-30 pounds to loose. I have been using this product for a week so far along with the colon cleanse (Super Colon CLeanse capsules...I take 2 at bed not the 4 twice a day that the bottle says)