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Tastes great, much like Duncan Hines yellow cake mix. Not gritty after mixing. I love how choc-full of nutrition this shake is. DOES indeed do something for weight loss, because I've already lost 3 pounds and had this product less than a week (about 5 or 6 days). All I did was replace my breakfast with this shake and ate as I usually do. I didn't exercise when I started taking this shake and I ate LESS junk food, although didn't quit COMPLETELY (slipped up quite a bit at movie theater today). I now have about 8-10 pounds left to lose and I'm going to see how the two together will work - exercise PLUS Nutrition 53 Lean 1 Vanilla Shake. Will DEFINITELY buy again!
Of the books in this series (of which each is completely standalone), I've really enjoyed having the main characters have their own voice. That's why, with almost 1/3 of the book read we hadn't really heard from Hunter I was starting to get disappointed. And there he is! I'm happy again. This is another great book in this series & while I loved the dynamic of these 2 characters, I'm not really sure that I completely liked them. Still a great read though & well worth the time. I received a copy of this book from the publisher in return for an honest review.
I would purchase again but I'm not as crazy about the cookie n creme flavor but you can change the taste a little bit by putting in a banana or whatever kind of fruit you like. I also put in the powder PB2 and it made it taste really good so for me to purchase this flavor again I'd have to have some PB2 on hand.
I love this bra! I first found it in JC Penny's but only bought two, and when I went back to buy a couple more I couldn't find any in my size and color so I went online. It sure was good to find them on Amazon. Now I have to admit part of its appeal is that it fits me, and since I'm rather small that is sometimes tough, especially when I don't want to be squished smaller. This bra has a bit of padding to make me look good, but not enough to get scrunched up after being washed. It also doesn't have enough to qualify as one of those "be a size larger!" bras, which I personally find a little embarrasing. The lace provides a feminine look (so its not the bra equivalent of granny panties), but its not sheer and not especially sexy...just a comfortable, everyday bra. I can highly recomment it for anyone small or average size, however if you're large and past the perky stage it my not provide a lot of support - there are no underwires (which I'm always afraid will set off airport security alarms; although they haven't yet).