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Perfect for Pokemon Go! I wanted a 2nd cheap phone for my 2nd Pokemon Go Account, and this fit the bill perfectly. No, it doesn't run as well as my Note 5, however I didn't expect it to run that well. It does the job I purchased it for and keeps up really better than I ever expected. I was pleasantly surprised at just how good the display is along with the responsiveness. I didn't expect a phone this nice for $60. I have not made calls, nor have I used the camera. This is literally a phone I bought for PoGo, and I had no trouble hooking it up with Straight Talk. Again, great display, solid feel and good reactivity.
Psychological suspense is often difficult to carry off well. Sometimes an author dwells far too much on the inner twists and turns in a character’s head, leaving little of this character for us to identify and perhaps and empathize with. Sometimes an author will artificially inflate the tension just to keep us turning the pages all the way to the finale. And sometimes an author will succumb to the unfortunate tendency to overwrite nearly every scene, every paragraph, even—why use one adjective, a single simile, when three or four are better? If I’d seen any of these issues early on in this novel, I would have clicked “Delete” and moved on with my lovely Saturday