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  • Relisears - Does not Work

    I can't believe I fell for this! Hooked it up, scanned for my over the air channels, and nothing. Shame on anyone (including myself) who spends money for this garbage.

  • Bethany McKinney Fox - High Quality Hair Care that gets Results

    After using this set a number of times, I feel like my hair is maybe the softest it has ever been. The shampoo has a very smooth, thick, and luxurious texture that is above the quality of even other salon shampoos. The conditioner was fine, and it seemed to be similar to other conditioners I have used. Though perhaps this set would mostly appeal to women, the pleasant scent is not overtly feminine, and the products could definitely be used by men too.

  • Karen Lopez - horrible sticky! especially for peach fuzz - charge you more than agreed!

    I had wanted the luminess system for years. so for my birthday i finally broke down and ordered it. i was watching an infomercial offering a 19.99 thirty day trial. i figured it was a small investment to finally see if the system worked as i dreamed and imagined it would. after ordering the sytem i was checking my bank account online and found that there were multiple charges to luminess air.. i thought they made a mistake so i called their customer service as was told that the 64.00 charge was a security deposit plus tax. i was NEVER informed of a security deposit. only the payment plan which i agreed to of 54.00 per month starting AFTER the trial period had ended. this was a huge disappointment and seems illegal. when i received the kit, i was so excited i immediately read the instructions and learned how to use it before i started. once the machine was on and in put the "4 drops" they say is sufficient I found that it requires more like 20 drops to do ANY covering whatsoever. you have to put the makeup everywhere in order for it to not be obvious, and in doing so you will use up a massive amount of makeup and feel like a sticky bun. and...for those of you with peach fuzz, this is not for you. the makeup adheres to peach fuzz first and you look like a paintbrush, not airbrushed. its a garbage system. the makeup feels just like any regular "no-transfer" makeup. sticky, uncomfortable and looks just bad. then when you wash it off, you can not believe how much makeup was on your face. i never was able to accomplish a face i would go outside with, just kept trying. the makeup vials are extremely small. this is junk. save your money.

  • dpidduck - Works great!

    I previously purchased a TP-Link PoE kit which was the wrong choice, so I returned it for this item and the Foscam Active PoE injector adaptor. It works great and was easy to install. Naturally, it comes with the connectors necessary to attach to any Foscam camera (the TP-Link only came with one power tip which was the wrong size).

  • Eric Lee - Get this ball

    I was initially concerned about buying this ball. I had read good things, but was unsure if I could like this ball as much as the Molten Pro Touch. I played with it the other day for the first time and immediately noticed how easy it was to pass, set, and hit. This is a hitters ball! The other thing you immediately notice is how easy this ball is to see and how well this ball floats and sets - no more bad sets! This ball is softer than the Pro Touch/Super Touch yet it plays just as hard. It feels like genuine leather not "plasticky" like I've read in some reviews. The group I generally play with is a diverse group of players and not a single person (from AA to near terrible) complained about this ball. If you are on the fence about this ball, take the plunge...you won't regret it.

  • April Cooksey - HORRIBLE

    I am only putting one star because "0" won't show up. I bought 2 belts. One wouldn't work after the first use . The other one only lasted for 3-4 uses. Horrible products!!!!! Spend the money and get a better product with a warranty.