Minnesota Drug Alcohol Addiction Chemical Dependency Counselor Certification Board - MCB Minnesota Certification Board - The Minnesota Certification Board (MCB)The Minnesota Certification Board (MCB) is a non-profit agency dedicated to protecting the citizens of Minnesota by ensuring that certified professionals working in a wide range of professions are providing, The Minnesota Certification Board Inc. (MCB) a private non-profit organization that sets the policies and procedures for Alcohol and Drug Addiction Counselor, Chemical Dependency Co-existing Disorder, Certified Clinical Supervisor, and Criminal Justice Professional certifications in Minnesota and is the IC&RC (International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium) Member Board for Minnesota. The International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium (IC&RC) is responsible for setting the minimum standards for reciprocal certifications ADCR-MN(formerly BCCR); MCB is responsible for implementation of these standards.
Country:, North America, US
City: -87.6517 Illinois, United States
I bought this product, based on the glowing reviews, and I was expecting it to be a miracle worker. I guess my expectations were too high, because I didn't find this product to work any better than any regular off the shelf cleaner.
This product in no way shape or form represents what is shown in the ads and on television. Do not bother wasting your money go to your local hardware store and purchase regular grass seed, it will outperform this product by far
I was really excited to hear my package had arrived, and hated the fact that I had to wait a week before getting home to use it. The box arrived completely intact, none of the usual dented corners from a heavy box. It was solidly packaged inside, sandwiched between two form fitting styrofoam blocks. The handle was easy to install, same for the dust collector.
I had two scratches 10-12" in length each down the side of my new black Ford F150. I was skeptical but hopeful. I've got to say I am VERY satisfied with the results. The scratches are virtually gone or so unnoticeable you cannot see them. Highly recommend!
If you want to rethink how you spend your time, in order to pursue work that matters, then read this book. Jocelyn helps us understand why we're so addicted to email, and then shares steps we can take to break out of it. She even provides templates to help us write more effective emails. Once you start this book, you won't be able to put it down. And, even better, you'll walk away with at least three things you can do right now to get out of your inbox and back to work that matters.
Great program...easy to use. I upgraded from Autocad 2000 - what a difference! I recommend this program to anyone who needs to create technical drawings.
i work in a weight room and have seen it all in refernce to products. I would put this product as one of the best. It is priced well and is a real boost. I dont think it is a cure all for everything ie.. recovery etc.. but helps !