Minnesota Drug Alcohol Addiction Chemical Dependency Counselor Certification Board - MCB Minnesota Certification Board - The Minnesota Certification Board (MCB)The Minnesota Certification Board (MCB) is a non-profit agency dedicated to protecting the citizens of Minnesota by ensuring that certified professionals working in a wide range of professions are providing, The Minnesota Certification Board Inc. (MCB) a private non-profit organization that sets the policies and procedures for Alcohol and Drug Addiction Counselor, Chemical Dependency Co-existing Disorder, Certified Clinical Supervisor, and Criminal Justice Professional certifications in Minnesota and is the IC&RC (International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium) Member Board for Minnesota. The International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium (IC&RC) is responsible for setting the minimum standards for reciprocal certifications ADCR-MN(formerly BCCR); MCB is responsible for implementation of these standards.

  • http://www.mcboard.org/about-us/mcb/minnesota-certification-board-about Minnesota Certification Board Alcohol Drug Substance Addiction Counselor Certification - MCB Minnesota Certification Board - The Minnesota Certification Board (MCB)The Minnesota Certification Board Inc. (MCB) is a 501(c)(3) private non-profit organization that sets the policies and procedures for alcohol and other drug professional certifications in Minnesota and is, The Minnesota Certification Board Inc. (MCB) a private non-profit organization that sets the policies and procedures for Alcohol and Drug Addiction Counselor, Chemical Dependency Co-existing Disorder, Certified Clinical Supervisor, and Criminal Justice Professional certifications in Minnesota and is the IC&RC (International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium) Member Board for Minnesota. The International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium (IC&RC) is responsible for setting the minimum standards for reciprocal certifications ADCR-MN(formerly BCCR); MCB is responsible for implementation of these standards.
  • http://www.mcboard.org/reciprocity-process/mcb/reciprocity-process Minnesota ICRC Reciprocity Process Alcohol Drug Addiction Counselor - MCB Minnesota Certification Board - Reciprocity Process RECIPROCITY INTO MCB: Addiction professionals certified by an IC&RC member board who relocate to Minnesota may transfer their credentials to MCB using the reciprocity process.  No additional, The Minnesota Certification Board Inc. (MCB) a private non-profit organization that sets the policies and procedures for Alcohol and Drug Addiction Counselor, Chemical Dependency Co-existing Disorder, Certified Clinical Supervisor, and Criminal Justice Professional certifications in Minnesota and is the IC&RC (International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium) Member Board for Minnesota. The International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium (IC&RC) is responsible for setting the minimum standards for reciprocal certifications ADCR-MN(formerly BCCR); MCB is responsible for implementation of these standards.
  • http://www.mcboard.org/forms-and-applications/1/category Forms and Applications - MCB Minnesota Certification Board - The Minnesota Certification Board Inc. (MCB) a private non-profit organization that sets the policies and procedures for Alcohol and Drug Addiction Counselor, Chemical Dependency Co-existing Disorder, Certified Clinical Supervisor, and Criminal Justice Professional certifications in Minnesota and is the IC&RC (International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium) Member Board for Minnesota. The International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium (IC&RC) is responsible for setting the minimum standards for reciprocal certifications ADCR-MN(formerly BCCR); MCB is responsible for implementation of these standards.
  • http://www.mcboard.org/news-and-updates/mcb-news Minnesota Certification Board News Updates - MCB Minnesota Certification Board - Latest News and Updates from the Minnesota Certification Board (MCB), The Minnesota Certification Board Inc. (MCB) a private non-profit organization that sets the policies and procedures for Alcohol and Drug Addiction Counselor, Chemical Dependency Co-existing Disorder, Certified Clinical Supervisor, and Criminal Justice Professional certifications in Minnesota and is the IC&RC (International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium) Member Board for Minnesota. The International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium (IC&RC) is responsible for setting the minimum standards for reciprocal certifications ADCR-MN(formerly BCCR); MCB is responsible for implementation of these standards.
  • http://www.mcboard.org/why-certification/mcb/why-certification Why Certification? - MCB Minnesota Certification Board - Why do I need to get certified? Certification in the fields of alcohol and drug counseling, co-occurring disorders, prevention, clinical supervision, and criminal justice is designed to establish policies and procedures that help protect the, The Minnesota Certification Board Inc. (MCB) a private non-profit organization that sets the policies and procedures for Alcohol and Drug Addiction Counselor, Chemical Dependency Co-existing Disorder, Certified Clinical Supervisor, and Criminal Justice Professional certifications in Minnesota and is the IC&RC (International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium) Member Board for Minnesota. The International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium (IC&RC) is responsible for setting the minimum standards for reciprocal certifications ADCR-MN(formerly BCCR); MCB is responsible for implementation of these standards.
  • http://www.mcboard.org/directions/mcb/directions-to-mcb Find Minnesota Certification Board location Directions East Bethel MN - MCB Minnesota Certification Board - Directions to the Minnesota Certification Board Minnesota Certification Board4817 Viking Blvd. NE, Suite 101Wyoming, Minnesota 55092Phone:  (763) 434-9787Fax:  (763) 413-1746 , The Minnesota Certification Board Inc. (MCB) a private non-profit organization that sets the policies and procedures for Alcohol and Drug Addiction Counselor, Chemical Dependency Co-existing Disorder, Certified Clinical Supervisor, and Criminal Justice Professional certifications in Minnesota and is the IC&RC (International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium) Member Board for Minnesota. The International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium (IC&RC) is responsible for setting the minimum standards for reciprocal certifications ADCR-MN(formerly BCCR); MCB is responsible for implementation of these standards.
  • http://www.mcboard.org/contact-us/mcb/contact-mcb Contact Minnesota Certification Board MCB Twin Cities Minnesota Counselor Certification - MCB Minnesota Certification Board - Contact the Minnesota Certification Board Office HoursWe are typically available the following hours:Tuesdays from 9 AM - 4:30 PMWednesdays from 9 AM - 4:30 PMThursday from 9 AM - 4:30 PMMinnesota Certification, The Minnesota Certification Board Inc. (MCB) a private non-profit organization that sets the policies and procedures for Alcohol and Drug Addiction Counselor, Chemical Dependency Co-existing Disorder, Certified Clinical Supervisor, and Criminal Justice Professional certifications in Minnesota and is the IC&RC (International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium) Member Board for Minnesota. The International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium (IC&RC) is responsible for setting the minimum standards for reciprocal certifications ADCR-MN(formerly BCCR); MCB is responsible for implementation of these standards.
  • http://www.mcboard.org/alcohol-drug-counselor/certifications/alcohol-and-drug-counselor Alcohol Drug Certification Testing Exam Minnesota - MCB Minnesota Certification Board - Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselors Alcohol and drug counselors provide counseling for people who experiece addiction as well as other related behavioral problems. They provide treatment and support to help the client recover from addiction or, The Minnesota Certification Board Inc. (MCB) a private non-profit organization that sets the policies and procedures for Alcohol and Drug Addiction Counselor, Chemical Dependency Co-existing Disorder, Certified Clinical Supervisor, and Criminal Justice Professional certifications in Minnesota and is the IC&RC (International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium) Member Board for Minnesota. The International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium (IC&RC) is responsible for setting the minimum standards for reciprocal certifications ADCR-MN(formerly BCCR); MCB is responsible for implementation of these standards.
  • http://www.mcboard.org/certified-supervisor/certifications/certified-supervisor Chemical Dependency Clinical Supervisor Certification Minnesota - MCB Minnesota Certification Board - Certified Clinical Supervisors Certified Clinical Supervisor Reciprocal – CCSR   This is a reciprocal level Supervisor certification for those wishing to advance in the alcohol and drug field as a Supervisor and have reciprocity as, The Minnesota Certification Board Inc. (MCB) a private non-profit organization that sets the policies and procedures for Alcohol and Drug Addiction Counselor, Chemical Dependency Co-existing Disorder, Certified Clinical Supervisor, and Criminal Justice Professional certifications in Minnesota and is the IC&RC (International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium) Member Board for Minnesota. The International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium (IC&RC) is responsible for setting the minimum standards for reciprocal certifications ADCR-MN(formerly BCCR); MCB is responsible for implementation of these standards.
  • http://www.mcboard.org/co-occurring-disorders/certifications/co-occurring-disorders Co-Occurring Disorders Counselor Certification Minnesota - MCB Minnesota Certification Board - Certified Co-Occurring Disorders Professionals Co-occurring disorders refer to disorders, such as addiction and mental illness, that occur and interact with one another.  Evidence has shown a greater success when treatment for co-occurring, The Minnesota Certification Board Inc. (MCB) a private non-profit organization that sets the policies and procedures for Alcohol and Drug Addiction Counselor, Chemical Dependency Co-existing Disorder, Certified Clinical Supervisor, and Criminal Justice Professional certifications in Minnesota and is the IC&RC (International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium) Member Board for Minnesota. The International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium (IC&RC) is responsible for setting the minimum standards for reciprocal certifications ADCR-MN(formerly BCCR); MCB is responsible for implementation of these standards.
  • http://www.mcboard.org/criminal-justice-professional/certifications/criminal-justice-professional Certified Criminal Justice Professional Reciprocal – CCJPR Minnesota - MCB Minnesota Certification Board - Certified Criminal Justice Addictions Professionals Certified Criminal Justice Addictions Professional Reciprocal – CCJPR   Drug offenders account for significant growth in the prison population. Addiction counseling with, The Minnesota Certification Board Inc. (MCB) a private non-profit organization that sets the policies and procedures for Alcohol and Drug Addiction Counselor, Chemical Dependency Co-existing Disorder, Certified Clinical Supervisor, and Criminal Justice Professional certifications in Minnesota and is the IC&RC (International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium) Member Board for Minnesota. The International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium (IC&RC) is responsible for setting the minimum standards for reciprocal certifications ADCR-MN(formerly BCCR); MCB is responsible for implementation of these standards.
  • http://www.mcboard.org/prevention-professional/certifications/prevention Prevention Professional Certification Minnesota - MCB Minnesota Certification Board - Certified Prevention Professional Prevention professionals proactively intervene to prevent, delay the onset of, or reduce the severity of many common public health concerns and other societal issues.  Prevention professionals may focus, The Minnesota Certification Board Inc. (MCB) a private non-profit organization that sets the policies and procedures for Alcohol and Drug Addiction Counselor, Chemical Dependency Co-existing Disorder, Certified Clinical Supervisor, and Criminal Justice Professional certifications in Minnesota and is the IC&RC (International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium) Member Board for Minnesota. The International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium (IC&RC) is responsible for setting the minimum standards for reciprocal certifications ADCR-MN(formerly BCCR); MCB is responsible for implementation of these standards.
  • http://www.mcboard.org/peer-recovery-specialist/certifications/peer-recovery-specialist Peer Recovery - MCB Minnesota Certification Board - Peer Recovery Specialist Peer Recovery Specialists help a person become ready and willing to seek treatment (if needed) and enter recovery by helping the person explore their options for recovery or treatment.  Peer Recovery Specialists ask, The Minnesota Certification Board Inc. (MCB) a private non-profit organization that sets the policies and procedures for Alcohol and Drug Addiction Counselor, Chemical Dependency Co-existing Disorder, Certified Clinical Supervisor, and Criminal Justice Professional certifications in Minnesota and is the IC&RC (International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium) Member Board for Minnesota. The International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium (IC&RC) is responsible for setting the minimum standards for reciprocal certifications ADCR-MN(formerly BCCR); MCB is responsible for implementation of these standards.
  • http://www.mcboard.org/codes-of-ethical-conduct/certifications/codes-of-ethical-conduct Code of Ethical Conduct Drug Alcohol Addiction Counselor Co-Existing Disorder Supervisor Criminal Justice Professional - MCB Minnesota Certification Board - Codes of Ethical Conduct At the time of certification, applicants must consent to adhering to the Code of Ethical Conduct for each credential they are pursuing.  A copy of the Code of Ethical conduct is included in the application packet, The Minnesota Certification Board Inc. (MCB) a private non-profit organization that sets the policies and procedures for Alcohol and Drug Addiction Counselor, Chemical Dependency Co-existing Disorder, Certified Clinical Supervisor, and Criminal Justice Professional certifications in Minnesota and is the IC&RC (International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium) Member Board for Minnesota. The International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium (IC&RC) is responsible for setting the minimum standards for reciprocal certifications ADCR-MN(formerly BCCR); MCB is responsible for implementation of these standards.
  • http://www.mcboard.org/renewal-and-recertification/certifications/renewal-and-recertification Renewal & Recertification - MCB Minnesota Certification Board - Annual Renewal   After your initial certification, you must pay an annual renewal fee to maintain your credential.  Fees vary by credential.  A renewal notice will be mailed to your address on file in advance of your renewal, The Minnesota Certification Board Inc. (MCB) a private non-profit organization that sets the policies and procedures for Alcohol and Drug Addiction Counselor, Chemical Dependency Co-existing Disorder, Certified Clinical Supervisor, and Criminal Justice Professional certifications in Minnesota and is the IC&RC (International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium) Member Board for Minnesota. The International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium (IC&RC) is responsible for setting the minimum standards for reciprocal certifications ADCR-MN(formerly BCCR); MCB is responsible for implementation of these standards.
  • http://www.mcboard.org/reinstatement-of-lapsed-credential/certifications/reinstatement Lapsed Reinstatement - MCB Minnesota Certification Board - Reinstatement of Lapsed Credentials   You need to submit to MCB your completed recertification application and annual renewal fee before the expiration date on your certificate.  If the recertification is not postmarked by the, The Minnesota Certification Board Inc. (MCB) a private non-profit organization that sets the policies and procedures for Alcohol and Drug Addiction Counselor, Chemical Dependency Co-existing Disorder, Certified Clinical Supervisor, and Criminal Justice Professional certifications in Minnesota and is the IC&RC (International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium) Member Board for Minnesota. The International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium (IC&RC) is responsible for setting the minimum standards for reciprocal certifications ADCR-MN(formerly BCCR); MCB is responsible for implementation of these standards.
  • http://www.mcboard.org/testing-information/testing/testing-information Testing Information - MCB Minnesota Certification Board - Minnesota Certification Board (MCB) Computerized Testing In addition to being the IC&RC member certification board in Minnesota, the Minnesota Certification Board is an approved computerized testing center for ISO Quality, The Minnesota Certification Board Inc. (MCB) a private non-profit organization that sets the policies and procedures for Alcohol and Drug Addiction Counselor, Chemical Dependency Co-existing Disorder, Certified Clinical Supervisor, and Criminal Justice Professional certifications in Minnesota and is the IC&RC (International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium) Member Board for Minnesota. The International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium (IC&RC) is responsible for setting the minimum standards for reciprocal certifications ADCR-MN(formerly BCCR); MCB is responsible for implementation of these standards.
  • http://www.mcboard.org/study-guiides/testing/study-guides Study Guides - MCB Minnesota Certification Board - Study Guides To purchase a study guide, please contact the MCB to pay by credit card and the study guide will be mailed to you.   Alcohol and Drug Counselor Study Guide   Price: $149.00 plus $18.00 Shipping and Handling, The Minnesota Certification Board Inc. (MCB) a private non-profit organization that sets the policies and procedures for Alcohol and Drug Addiction Counselor, Chemical Dependency Co-existing Disorder, Certified Clinical Supervisor, and Criminal Justice Professional certifications in Minnesota and is the IC&RC (International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium) Member Board for Minnesota. The International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium (IC&RC) is responsible for setting the minimum standards for reciprocal certifications ADCR-MN(formerly BCCR); MCB is responsible for implementation of these standards.
  • http://www.mcboard.org/practice-exams/testing/practice-exams Practice Exams - MCB Minnesota Certification Board - Practice ExamsThe IC&RC has developed practice examinations for various credentials.Practice Exams were developed to mimic IC&RC’s Computer Based Testing platform to enhance a candidate’s preparation experience. Candidates have 60, The Minnesota Certification Board Inc. (MCB) a private non-profit organization that sets the policies and procedures for Alcohol and Drug Addiction Counselor, Chemical Dependency Co-existing Disorder, Certified Clinical Supervisor, and Criminal Justice Professional certifications in Minnesota and is the IC&RC (International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium) Member Board for Minnesota. The International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium (IC&RC) is responsible for setting the minimum standards for reciprocal certifications ADCR-MN(formerly BCCR); MCB is responsible for implementation of these standards.
  • http://www.mcboard.org/home/mcb/international-certification-and-reciprocity-consortium-ic-rc MCB Minnesota Certification Board - International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium (IC&RC) The Minnesota Certification Board, Inc. is proud to be the member board in Minnesota for the IC&RC. The IC&RC is a not-for-profit voluntary organization comprised of, The Minnesota Certification Board Inc. (MCB) a private non-profit organization that sets the policies and procedures for Alcohol and Drug Addiction Counselor, Chemical Dependency Co-existing Disorder, Certified Clinical Supervisor, and Criminal Justice Professional certifications in Minnesota and is the IC&RC (International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium) Member Board for Minnesota. The International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium (IC&RC) is responsible for setting the minimum standards for reciprocal certifications ADCR-MN(formerly BCCR); MCB is responsible for implementation of these standards.

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