Mundo farmacéutico - Revista de Farmacia de Cofares - Revista de Cofares con la actualidad, consejos, noticias y agenda del mundo farmacéutico para el profesional de farmacia
Country:, Europe, ES
City: -3.684 , Spain
It does what I wanted,and has the look I needed to complete my new kitchen. The only down fall was, it was damaged when I got it???
This new season is off to a good start. While you get plenty of super hero stuff with this show, it's lighthearted and fun. I also like the family theme to it. I'm looking forward to more episodes.
This compuer is pretty slow. Loses connection with wlan. Was able to gain some speed by deleting McAfee. NOTE: You cannot do this: Memory:: (Memory RAM Expandable To 8 GB) . No. The RAM is built in. There is no expansion slot.
What an eye opener! I will read and re-read but am definitely taking selenium to avoid Altzheimers and copper to avoid an aneurism every day! Dr. Wallach was a veterinarian first, was in research, and proceed to become a medical doctor. His reasoning is fascinating and the fact that some reviews say there is no medical foundation in his teachings is amusing. Of course there isn't! He's the first one to put it all together!
Great set of clubs that work really well! Have seen a difference in my game (for the better). Great price and deal!