Clínica de Trânsito Renove CNH - Clínica médica e psicológica credenciada ao Detran-ES, exames de renovação de carteira de motorista (CNH). Telefone: (027) 3022-0033. Mata da Praia, Vitória-ES.
Country:, North America, US
City: -111.6133 Utah, United States
The ingredient list here is not correct. This new version contains red pepper, which made it intolerable for me. I am so disappointed.
I have had this for about 10 months, It works. I am almost 66 years old. Decreases the size of pores, which was my biggest concern. It also decreases the fine lines and helps with the loose skin on my neck, which I love. I hate chicken neck. I love this and would recommend it, as long as you use it, it works! I use it for about 30 minutes at least three times a week, and enjoy using prior to bed as the heat is very soothing!
It doesn't come with hardware. I don't know if anyone else had this problem. But mines came with a few blemish, had to take it to an auto body shop to get some work done.
So far I have been using this product (and the whole line) for 2 1/2 months with no discernible results. I don't mind the smell that others complain about but my hair feels like I just poured molasses on it - stiff and greasy. So far - this line is worthless at any price.
I've had this particular Waterpik for about a year now and really like it. I don't use all of the attachments, but at least they store inside the lid - out of the way. Compared to my old Interplak water jet this one is wonderful. Higher water pressure, better attachments, larger reservoir, cord storage area and a lid that completely covers the top of the reservoir to keep stuff out of it.