ReproTech Limited - ReproTech specializes in fertility preservation via long-term embryo storage, sperm storage, oocyte storage, and ovarian tissue storage or cryostorage.
Country:, North America, US
City: -87.6272 Illinois, United States
First shave disappointing; lots of drag and 2 small nicks. Had to use my Mach 3 for touch up. Will continue to use & update this review in a few days.
These stands are quite solid. Very good value and simple to put together. You have to put the racks together yourself so you need basic DIY skills and experience. Very sad how some just can't figure out simple things and are left disgruntled and blaming the seller. The person who left the one star feedback...lmao! The top of the bolt has a square on the neck which you must align with square on the hole at which point the bolt will go all the way through and not leave you that extra 1/4" length.