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I was hoping I could just use my FA 2012, but after purchasing 2013 I realize how many more advantages this copy has. The index, corrected errors, and the additional pictures are very nice. What's not mentioned is that more information is presented in table form (as opposed to paragraph clumps) and more information is added to certain sections (which popped up when I was studying for a recent renal test--it was helpful!). Also, pictures are better grouped with their subcategories and the embryology is divided into subsystem. I've been doing a side-by-side with 2012 copying over my old notes, and 2013 is consistently cleaner-looking, better organized, and optimized to help you better.
This floor cleaner leaves the floor nice and clean but sometimes leaves too much water behind which can lead to streaks. I've tried it on my sofa and my cabinets (the smaller attachment) as well as on my scrubbable flat painted walls. It seemed to work well on all surfaces but again leaves things wetter than I think is optimal. Fairly good value in the open box section but at full price I would be disapointed.